So today I started writing this Fitness Journal with inspiring thoughts on ways to motivate others to dig deeper to find the strength they need to battle through too the next stage in their fitness journey.  Hep you guessed it I don't have the brain power to be so wise this evening.  So all I can do is share my story with you in hopes that it might ignite some desire that will over power the burden of procrastination that we all have to face in society today.

It's April 11th, 2011 and I believe I'm not exactly where I was hoping to be in my fitness journey.  I've had to overcome some mild injuries that caused me frustrating set backs, but this is not my excuse for not reaching the overly ambitious goals I set for myself..  Actually my excuse is lack of knowledge.  My journey started with my head filled with knowledge of fitness practices that i've read online or in a magazine.  The knowledge I'm talking about is the knowledge of trial and error.  Doing the work that either provides you with results or doesn't.

Gathering knowledge in fitness is finding out what works for you and your body.  The knowledge you gain from failing is just as important as the knowledge you gain from success.  We all must fail and we don't then were not trying hard enough.  With success comes failure and we all need to find the balance in our lives so we can embrace failure and learn from those mistakes. The workouts that work for me today, most likely will not work for me in a week from now.  My fitness goals are evolving continuously.

I realized today that I'm ready for the next step and I'm ready to be more prepared before my workouts.  Preparation is keep to my success in the gym and at home.  Finding alternative workouts to maximize each and every workout is key for me.  I'm feeling healthier and a little more lean;  I now just need to stay consistent to reap my reward.

I'm still pushing every muscle group to failure and I have stepped up my cardio another notch.  I haven't yet hit the point that I can claim myself a success yet, but I'm getting real close.  I've lost needed inches of fat and now I'm really starting to feel the difference. 

It's time for me to make smaller, shorter term goals.  Like, one day at a time kinda goals.  I need to start making my goals each morning and when I accomplish that goal, I will celebrate that success and not get burden and frustrated by failing for longer periods of time.  

I'm driven and my two hour workouts each day are proof of that.  Now I just need to make those two hours more efficient to my fat loss goals.

Tom Barbee
Today's shoulder workout was FANTASTIC!  I achieved the ultimate burn and muscle failure that I've been seeking for sometime.  I realized today that my progression has been slow and slightly frustrating.  As I check stock within myself and my workouts;  it's become clear that I'm making greater gains then I lead myself to believe.

Knowing that YOU are your worst enemy and your worst critic; it makes it hard to look at yourself in the mirror and see positive results.  The Journey to good health and fitness is much more then your vain view when you lurk upon yourself in the mirror. It's about getting a better understanding of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.  It's much easier to see the physically improvements and much harder to be aware of the mental and emotional improvements you've made.  The fact is without the mental and emotional improvements you wouldn't have the physical improvements.

I have come along way since my Fitness Journey began and I have to honor my successes and realize that I'm exactly where I wanted to be.  I have finally got to the point in my journey that I can say I'm reasonably pain free and can challenge my body 5-6 days a week without 2-3 days of rest in between.  My body is responding to the increased intense interval training, and I ache each and everyday for my next workout.  Yes I've become an addict of the gym and the emotional spike I get from pushing my body to the limit.

In the past few weeks I have changed my workouts considerably.  My workouts now include daily interval cardio training and each muscle group is pushed to failure by decreasing rest time between sets and alternating upper and lower body exercises.  This spikes my heart rate increasing my overall fat burn.

My food intake has been consistent and reasonably strict.  I'm providing my body a sufficient amounts of protein and good fats and carbs.  Yes, I do eat artisan style breads more often then I should, but I'm learning the importance of portion size and moderation.  I happily can say I haven't eaten fast food in sometime and feel confident that I won't; till I reach my goal weight.  I do reward myself with good food, but I believe I'm doing well not over indulging or splurging out of control.

I have an unhealthy size appetite and have been using high amount of fiber supplements to help control my portion sizes.  Food isn't an enemy, food is my friend and I will find a way to enjoy my diverse pallet without the need of guilt.

I'm looking forward to my upcoming progression picture on the 11th of April and confidently know that my results will show.  I'm building more muscle, my skin has loosened considerably the past few weeks; so I have to be losing more fat.  My strength in my workouts are increasing, my cardio isn't as tedious, and I need half the time to recover from a hard workout.  I'm really excited to see how many inches I've lost around my waist and to do another inventory of myself so I can move swiftly into the next phase of my fitness journey.

I want to thank Shannon for the love and support I get from her everyday, allowing me to push harder and longer at the gym. If it wasn't for Shannon I wouldn't be where I am today in my fitness journey.  Men will be men (I suppose), but one thing I want to change for myself is to show and express my appreciation for what Shannon does for our family each and everyday.  Thank You!

My warrior dash training is part of my fitness journey, but I realized I was on the wrong path and needed to make critical changes to my regime to allow my bodies joints and connective tissues to catchup before I continue to abuse myself with high endurance training.  I figured it was more important to build a foundation for my house to sit on before I put the roof on.  Put the horse before the cart kind of theory.

Tom Barbee
My topic for this Fitness Journal entry is about Fitness Injury Prevention.  It's become apparent in multiple conversations I've had this past week; more often than not people are getting injured repeatedly while trying to better their health.

The truth is these are people that have had proper fitness direction, people that are just getting started on their fitness journey, and people that are just plain pushing themselves to hard to fast.  

It doesn't matter the fitness level your starting at that determines if your going to get injured or not, it's the amount of preparation for  the level of fitness, that determines if you get injured.  It's fact that we all will get some form of injury at some point in our fitness journey, but the most important thing is to realize that prevention of injuries is simple and a life-long goal.  You will never get to a point in your fitness journey that stretching and properly warming up shouldn't be your first priority before working out.

I'm sure I'm not alone when I see lots of people enter the gym and going straight to working out without warming up or doing any form of stretching.  Yes, I will come clean and say I have been one of those people, but have realized the hard way (the painful way) of the importance of warming up and stretching.  I'm not getting any younger that's for sure, but by taking care of myself I can feel younger.  

I'm a great example of constant injuries that are hindering my fitness goals.  It all started with my lower back and a pinching of my Sciatic Nerve, which for the most part limited me from almost every kind of physical activity.  Second, it was a calcium deposit in my left shoulder that when I lifted my arm cause unforgiving pain.  Third it was  re-occurring inflammation in my right knee that kept me sidelined from almost every kind of cardio and knee bending exercises.  Fourth it was my lower back and hip joint that limited my mobility to preform even simple athletic tasks.

The point here is that all of these injuries could have been prevented by me.  I was ambitious but not cautious. 
Under the care of Dr. Ryan Nienaber I have been educated that my lower back pain is due to a weak and unconditioned hamstring and underlying muscles in the hip joint.  My back pain flares up when I over due any kind of squatting motion.  So now I'm slowing down and doing more and more squatting endurance workouts to help build up and strengthen those muscles.  More like a therapy kind of workout.

As for my knee well it's just as simple.  As long as I keep my Quadricep muscle stretched and proper warmed I don't have any pain or discomfort.

I have been able to manage most of the pain in my shoulder by doing higher intensity type workouts, like flat, inclined and declined pushups to failure.  These workouts are proving to help build the supportive muscles and connective tissues, not to mention being a huge stabilizer for the chest workouts.

I am the first person to say that ICE is your friend.  Yes the frozen water in your freezer.  When your over ambitious and over-eager to see results we tend to temporarily push our bodies to a point of no return.  

When we were younger we could push hard each and everyday and only suffer mild OMS ( Onset Muscle Sorness).  As we age we realize that our bodies start having a louder voice when we overdue it.  Our hangovers from that third glass of wine, or the grueling squat workout just hits us harder and harder the older we get.

So it's very important that we all stop and make a game plan for our future in fitness and make choices that will allow us to grow and progress and not put us in a state of neglect and dormancy.  

As Adults we need to make choices to better our health and by doing so we become the most powerful role-model to our children and children's children.  I was reading a blog posting today from Abby Rike former contestant of the Biggest Loser and motivational speark; who said one of the most motivational things you can do is seek a group that will keep you active or find a online forum where it's possible to receive and share fitness advice.  Read more at

It's important we aren't alone in our fitness journey, being healthy isn't easy and well very much a day to day challenge for most.  Don't be afraid to share your story with others, listen and share the knowledge you've gained so far in your fitness journey.  The only way were going to make America a better place is by improving the health of the future, our kids.  We are the role models and we must fight for a better life for today and tomorrow.  Start now by doing something productive and encourage your kids to be active, eat healthier and most importantly build their self esteem by giving them motivational compliments.  Do the work, run the miles, and cherish each moment as our gift of life.  Make a commitment to get outside by yourself and with your kids for at least 15 minutes a day of some form of physical activity.  Go for a walk, hike next to the river, ride your bikes, kick the soccer ball, etc.  Doesn't matter just be involved with creating a habit and you and your kids will reap the rewards of a higher self esteem, more confidence , better eating habits and good ole happiness.

Good luck and remember you must BELIEVE TO RECEIVE....

Finding Balance in my workouts has been a chore at time, but I must say it's paying off to stay consistent with both my dietary intake and my gym workouts.  

I was talking with our family Chiropractor Dr. Ryan Nienaber of Boones Ferry Chiropractic and Massage on Monday and we were comparing workouts that actually stress the muscles to encourage growth.  Dr. Nienaber suggested that I should add a fly motion exercise into my chest workout when I'm taking my chest to failure.  Oh damn does it make a difference.  I have been sore as hell.  

I know that I have been doing the work in the gym, but knowing that simple changes to your daily workout routines can really make such a difference.  It's not just my chest that's sore, but my front delts and triceps and aching for a break.  No break I can do that on my day off.  This little change that Dr. Nienaber was generous to share has made me realize he's much more then a Chiropractor, but a doctor of results and solutions.  I'm blessed to have such an inspirational person in my life.  Thank you Ryan for all your advice and motivation.

I'm surely now at a new level in my fitness journey and I look forward too what my next workout will bring.  I enjoy structure, but I love results much more.  

So the point I'm trying to make today is variety and commitment is the solution to your workout lows.  Mix it up and mix it up often to see and feel the results that you desire.  The human body can take a punishment day in and day out.  We're only limited by what our mind limits us too.  Get advice from people in your life that are a living example of results.  

I have read so many books but the best knowledge I gain is from people that provide support, motivation and inspiration through doing the work themselves.  

March is coming to an end and I'm looking forward to hitting the scale to see how all my hard work has paid off and it's nearly time to post my next progression picture.  

I'm feeling wonderful and my clothes are starting to fit me as they should.  I know that I've gain a significant amount of muscle mass and as for how much fat loss I've melted away has become harder to measure.  I don't have the luxury of high tech instruments that give me an accurate measurement of my true BMI, I have to make an educated, scientific guess.

Keep reading great news in closing in for me.  Wish me luck in this journey and let me know if i can be of any support to anyone who needs help with creating a healthier life for themselves.
Today is officially Day Light Savings and our son Drew's Birthday.  Happy Birthday Drew!  So the past couple of days have been filled with needed clarity with my overall fitness goals.  It's a blessing that I've come to understand that the goals I have made for myself and the progress that I've been making is merely just the beginning of my new lifestyle change.

It's apparent to me know that I've finally broke the hump of my dreadful workouts and with the anxiety gone I've finally found my stride.  It's freaking about time.  I now look forward and yearn for my next workout.  I yearn to explore more and more ways I can push my body to it's limit.  I challenge my knowledge of fitness and health daily by reviewing a diverse compilation of fitness blogs and articles.

Saturday was my first attempt at Intense Cardio and I must honestly say it wasn't easy and I'm already feeling the wrath of jump squats in my legs.  But to my dismay I'm actually more in tune with my body now then I have ever been.  I do enjoy the challenge and the increase of adrenaline that working out so intensely brings.  

Just recently I injured my knee, had aching pains in my shoulder and the overall discomfort has been swaying of my dedication to improve my overall health.  I do feel better and I've been doing much better at getting up early and getting my workouts out of the way, so I can battle the rest of my day without distraction.  I do hope that I can continue to work on maintaining proper form and technique to prevent any future injuries.

My past few days in the gym have been good, but I've come to realize that if I'm going to accomplish the results that I seek I must Intensify my cardio routines.  

Yes I have been consistent and deliberate with both my resistant and cardio workouts.  I also have been very strict with my overall caloric intake and food choices, but I'm not seeing the results I yearn for.  My decision is to challenge my overall body and start doing what is proven to work.  Intense Cardio!  I'm doing my time on the treadmill and my only results are stamina and endurance, and not very much FAT loss.

For me to see the desired results, I need too introduce intense workouts like P90x, Insanity, Suicide Sweat and Kelly Rennie Home Workout.  Below I posted a sample video of what I'm referencing as an intense cardio workout.  As you can see I chose the Suicide Sweat Workout because frankly she's hot and it's motivational too me.  We all need to find our own source of motivation, and here's mine.


All four of these workouts are very similar and the most un-nerving part for me is it is a DO IT AT HOME WORKOUT.  Not good for me, I have zero motivation to workout at home.  I guess it's all the distraction of parenting that makes me seek my motivation in the gym.  The gym offers me a place to relax, a place to focus on myself and my goals.

In the past few days Shannon and I have been playing around with a few different intense cardio workouts and we have found that we will build our workouts from examples of the proven P90x, Insanity, Suicide Sweat Workout and Kelly Rennie home workouts.  

So in the next few weeks to come I will be posting our challenges and struggles with these workouts, but the truth here is were going to get our asses kicked and not only get in better physical condition but improved overall health.

I must admit I have extremely weak legs for continuous, high rep leg workouts.  I'm kind of a sissy when it comes to lunge like workouts that the girls at the gym can do over and over.  It's time I man up and challenge my ego and pride to overcome this weakness of mine. 

I haven't done much Intense Cardio for any prolonged period of time since I was in high school sports;  So what I've learned so far is Intense Cardio has basic principles that don't change no matter what Intense Cardio workout your doing.  " IF YOU DON'T DO THE WORK, YOU WON'T GET THE RESULTS ".  Simple isn't it.  Intense Cardio offers a no excuse method of burning fat.  You don't need much space, you don't need a gym ( except in my case), you don't need weights or any special equipment or gear.  All you need is the will to succeed and the determination to be consistent.  Second, change it up frequently to keep the body guessing so your body doesn't adapt to any routine.

Most workouts will say and preach 30 minutes a day 3 days a week to lose weight.  Hmmmm  Well that hasn't been true for me and when I ask trainers and instructors at the gym; they all tell me you need at least 45 minutes 3-5 days a week.  The more you do the better the fat burn.  It's obvious to me that the body I seek can only be obtained by sweat and tears.  My hard hard hard work is the only way to get me there.  No FAD diet or casual routine will do, ONLY proven methods of 6 days of Intense Cardio work.

TRX: Make Your Body Your Machine
It's a tough getting to the gym at 5am, I must say that it's much easier working out then getting out of bed.  Today's workout was good.  We completed a full back workout and 20 minutes on the stationary bike.  It was a high intensity workout, but hopefully I will get accustomed to the time and be able to kick things up a bit.  I have been working hard on my food intake and replacing more protein shakes for actual food.  

I'm an eater, so it's hard to drink my food.  So far I haven't been overly hungry, but hopefully I'll be able to keep my lean muscle and drop a few pounds.  I'm eating a small lunch and a sensible dinner and everything in between is a protein shake filled with protein powder of course, yogurt, fiber, coconut oil, and lactose free milk.  

I'm currently not taking any other supplements besides protein and vitamins, so I hope to stay that way till I hit a plateau.  Short and sweet blog tonight, cause frankly I'm tired. 
So yesterday started out great.  Shannon and I made it to the gym by 530am and completed a total chest workout and an hour of cardio, then went to a needed Chiropractic appointment and finished off the morning with a Pedicure.  Very relaxing and rewarding.  Shannon and I have been working so hard in the gym lately; spare of the moment we took advantage of rewarding our aching feet with a Pedicure.  Love them.  No I didn't get my toe nails painted, but I will say the foot soak was a blessing.  As for today, well I was a bit unorganized and tired this morning, but was able to get to the gym by 9am and completed a bi and tri workout and then Shannon introduced me to a workout she's been doing the past few days on her own.  You can check out more of her workouts on 

Yes I must admit I thought this workout was going to easy.  Wow, how wrong I was.  This workout really kicked my ass!  We finished up our workout with 25 minutes on the treadmill, where I RAN my first mile since I injured my knee nearly 6 weeks ago.  My knee truly is feeling better and it's wonderful to see my therapy workouts have actually paid off.  

I know that my results have been slow going, but I just know I am doing the right things to better my overall health and shortly I will start reaping bigger and bigger rewards.  I can't wait.
So today I want to talk about my workout partner and lovely spouse Shannon.  Shannon started in the gym about six months ago, and in the beginning her and I both were the story book weekend warriors who didn't reach many goals or even stay consistent for that matter.  Well, we've been consistent now for two months and now starting to reap the rewards.  Fitness isn't an easy task, cause if it was, well everyone would be in shape and looking great.

Shannon is plagued with having one leg slightly longer then the other, a cause of Scoliosis (from Greekskoliōsis meaning from skolios, "crooked")[1] is a medical condition in which a person's spine is curved from side to side. 

Having this condition has made being a runner very difficult and frankly a painful task. For the past 5 years Shannon has been under the watchful care of Dr. Ryan Nienaber of Boones Ferry Chiropractic and massage  Dr. Nienaber has been a great supporter of her overall health and fitness, and has reduced her spine curvature from 21% to 7%.  Some might say this is a miracle, but the truth is that Dr. Nienaber is a doctor that seeks only to provide results by doing what most doctors and men for that matter don't do; and that's being a good listener.

Shannon made a huge leap in her fitness today, a leap that makes me such a proud partner and spouse.  If you could only of see the gleaming joy and pride she had in her smile today when she told me that she just ran non-stop for 3 miles.  This might not be impressive to an elite athlete, but not more than a month ago Shannon couldn't even run a mile, and now she's both the Beauty and the Beast in the gym. 

Shannon, I must say you have been a great inspiration to me in the gym and in life.  Your determination has been very influential in my consistent motivation and drive to seek better health for myself and our family.  Thank You!

I know it's hard to accomplish hellish gains and weigh loss in the gym when nagging pain is such a motivation killer.  It's not easy and it's very frustrating, but with time the pain will hopefully subside and we all can live a healthier and more productive life for ourselves and family alike.   

I take pride in knowing that today was a milestone for Shannon and I both, the milestone that a lifestyle change has been accomplished.  This is a point in our training that we both have sought for so long, and now we can stand tall and cherish the moment that were no long just weekend warriors, but on the path to being an overall athlete and hopefully along our path were able to motivate others to take on the same challenge.

I want to say Thanks to Dr. Ryan Nienaber for all your loving support and to the staff of Boones Ferry Chiropractic and Massage for always greeting us with an enthusiastic smile.  I also want to thank Ginny Gardea for being such a wonderful inspiration and needed motivator in and out of the gym.  It's with having these supportive role models in our lives that we can feel that the world isn't such a horrible place and know that doing the right thing and paying it forward does pay off.

So I've done it.  I posted my shirtless picture of my progression.  Yes, I have to admit it wasn't an easy thing for me today.  It wasn't easy to post my FATNESS online for the world to see. I'm grossed out by how I've let my self go.  I have made progression of losing 23LBS since my Journey begun, but now I'm fully committed and these pictures will now be a constant reminder of my true body image.  I have made great strides the past 3 months and truthfully I'm feeling the benefits of my hard work.  I know you can't completely tell by the photos; but I feel great.  

PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR THE TERRIBLE BRUISES, THAT'S FROM MY RECENT PAINT BALL OUTING!  I had a great time and thanks to everyone who went.  Good Times.

I'm only now about two weeks away for being able to start my runners training.  YEAH!  I'm sick of walking and riding the stationary bike.  Cardio workouts are soon to be more challenging and hopefully pain free.  What it would be like to workout and be pain-free?  Not sure, I've never been pain free, but I can say that I'm much more tolerable of the pains and discomfort now.

So when comes success come new goals.  So my newest goal is to start putting my body measurements in my fitness journal, so I can see my improvements from a different perspective.  Losing weight has been discouraging, but my clothes fit better and some are actually getting lose.  It's getting more obvious to me that I'm losing fat but I'm still gaining lots of muscle, so the fat lose on the scale isn't as dramatic as you see on the Biggest Loser. But, I assure you that I'm losing weight.  My cardiovascular has improved 10 fold and my strength workouts are getting more and more intense.

Posting my Fat pics of shame have been hard, but it's important that we all support each other and do what needs to be done to succeed in losing the weight, getting healthy and changing our bad habits for good.  Let the world get in the best shape of their lives, and the only way I know how is to pay it forward by encouraging everyone I know to make a goal, get off their ass and workout.  We all can do it.  

I started a Facebook page for the upcoming Warrior Dash in Oregon and Washington, please check it out and you'll see all the wall postings are from people looking for community and finding support from strangers to better themselves and other.  The cause is creating a better more active life for you.  Just you!

I want to say thank you to everyone for all their support and comments.  Let keep up the community and make the NW the healthiest place to live, by mentoring and motivating just one other person to train for the Warrior Dash.

So Yesterday was a great great day in the gym.  I burned a shit ton of calories with a full back weight training session, followed up with (2) one minute reps of (R) side plank, (L) side plank, regular plank, and 60 mins on the trailblazer setting on the treadmill at 4.0 incline and a speed of 4.2.  I'm not fully up to runners speed yet with my knee recovery, but I'm making great healing progress.  Just can't wait to run.   All in All I worked out for just over 2 hours and only had 30 second breaks between sets.