Finding Balance in my workouts has been a chore at time, but I must say it's paying off to stay consistent with both my dietary intake and my gym workouts.  

I was talking with our family Chiropractor Dr. Ryan Nienaber of Boones Ferry Chiropractic and Massage on Monday and we were comparing workouts that actually stress the muscles to encourage growth.  Dr. Nienaber suggested that I should add a fly motion exercise into my chest workout when I'm taking my chest to failure.  Oh damn does it make a difference.  I have been sore as hell.  

I know that I have been doing the work in the gym, but knowing that simple changes to your daily workout routines can really make such a difference.  It's not just my chest that's sore, but my front delts and triceps and aching for a break.  No break I can do that on my day off.  This little change that Dr. Nienaber was generous to share has made me realize he's much more then a Chiropractor, but a doctor of results and solutions.  I'm blessed to have such an inspirational person in my life.  Thank you Ryan for all your advice and motivation.

I'm surely now at a new level in my fitness journey and I look forward too what my next workout will bring.  I enjoy structure, but I love results much more.  

So the point I'm trying to make today is variety and commitment is the solution to your workout lows.  Mix it up and mix it up often to see and feel the results that you desire.  The human body can take a punishment day in and day out.  We're only limited by what our mind limits us too.  Get advice from people in your life that are a living example of results.  

I have read so many books but the best knowledge I gain is from people that provide support, motivation and inspiration through doing the work themselves.  

March is coming to an end and I'm looking forward to hitting the scale to see how all my hard work has paid off and it's nearly time to post my next progression picture.  

I'm feeling wonderful and my clothes are starting to fit me as they should.  I know that I've gain a significant amount of muscle mass and as for how much fat loss I've melted away has become harder to measure.  I don't have the luxury of high tech instruments that give me an accurate measurement of my true BMI, I have to make an educated, scientific guess.

Keep reading great news in closing in for me.  Wish me luck in this journey and let me know if i can be of any support to anyone who needs help with creating a healthier life for themselves.

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