Today is officially Day Light Savings and our son Drew's Birthday.  Happy Birthday Drew!  So the past couple of days have been filled with needed clarity with my overall fitness goals.  It's a blessing that I've come to understand that the goals I have made for myself and the progress that I've been making is merely just the beginning of my new lifestyle change.

It's apparent to me know that I've finally broke the hump of my dreadful workouts and with the anxiety gone I've finally found my stride.  It's freaking about time.  I now look forward and yearn for my next workout.  I yearn to explore more and more ways I can push my body to it's limit.  I challenge my knowledge of fitness and health daily by reviewing a diverse compilation of fitness blogs and articles.

Saturday was my first attempt at Intense Cardio and I must honestly say it wasn't easy and I'm already feeling the wrath of jump squats in my legs.  But to my dismay I'm actually more in tune with my body now then I have ever been.  I do enjoy the challenge and the increase of adrenaline that working out so intensely brings.  

Just recently I injured my knee, had aching pains in my shoulder and the overall discomfort has been swaying of my dedication to improve my overall health.  I do feel better and I've been doing much better at getting up early and getting my workouts out of the way, so I can battle the rest of my day without distraction.  I do hope that I can continue to work on maintaining proper form and technique to prevent any future injuries.

I know that every workout plan I have ever done has had a ceiling that has limited my progression.  As I said yesterday the only way to success is to the work and constantly modify my workouts so my body never adapts to a single workout routine.  There is so much advise when you search the web and so much knowledge I have yet to learn.  

I'm no longer have to struggle with my workouts and pushing my body's limits has become more so addictive and less punishing.  I can credit this to my injury therapy workouts and information learned on www.sportsinjuryclinic.net .  During my recovery I learned the importance of building underlying and supportive muscles, tendons and ligaments.  Without the development of these supportive tissues I handicap my growth potential.  Progression and good health take time.  Everything we do in or out of the gym takes time for our bodies to adapt to the stress we give it and if we push too hard to soon we injury ourselves.  Warm-up, stretch before and after your workout and drink plenty of water daily to flush out the nasty toxins, hydrate your body from the intense workouts and eat nutritionally.  

There is much to say about proven methods of fitness and on of the best is body weight workout routines that take your muscles to failure but allow you to grow in every way possible.  As a beginner in the gym I only worked on vanity workouts that would support large muscle gains and neglected the supportive groups that give me stability, stamina, endurance and allow me to prevent injury.

My legs are aching as I addressed earlier, but the pain is mild in comparison to the pain I get from being inactive.  All in all I'm looking forward to my stretch and relaxation day for the gym.  I still have a strong desire to go tomorrow, but I know I will not reap the reward of my efforts if I don't rest.  So rest it is.

I know with the crazy things currently going on in the world, I just have the need to say Thank You to everyone that supports, motivates and encourages people to be better than they fill they can be.  It's the emotional support I receive from my lovely wife Shannon that keeps me in check, on path and a clear understanding of the importance and beauty of our lives.  Shannon is an outstanding, loving, supportive dear friend, lover and spouse.  I know that I over use the word blessing, but Shannon is my blessing!  She is the person in my life that knows the real me, my intentions, my desires and my weaknesses.  Shannon gives much more then she ever receives and I appreciate what she does for me and our entire family.  I would be here today telling you my story if it wasn't for Shannon on my side.  

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