I’m hungry right now! It must have something to do with that I jogged around my neighborhood in 20-​​degree weather. I didn’t run as far as I normally have in the past. The roads were covered in black ice. Why did I do it? I still have a fitness goal, whether or not I could make it to the gym. The bottom line is that I’m motivated and excited about changing my body, and I am enjoying the process.

My inbox is filled with questions about how to lose weight after having a baby, surgery, etc. Some want to know how to get in shape in order to join the armed forces or manage their diabetes. My husband and I have over 100 free workouts on www​.startfitness​.com, with many of the fitness programs designed to answer common inquiries.

However if the information is out there, why are people still asking the same question? They are asking because they are hoping I’ll infuse them with something that will add a little resilience to their daily routine, something that might inspire them to get started or to continue toward the prize.

If I could call each person up personally, I would start off with:

Step one – Find what motivates you!

I spoke with one of our Boot Camp recruits some time ago. Over the course of an hour I learned that she was working out 4–5 days a week. Her diet only needed a couple of tweaks and she was losing a little weight, but not as fast as she would have liked. It wasn’t until the end of the hour when I uncovered another layer of information that I believe was the source of her not reaching her physical fitness goals.

She was unhappy in her job. She was working 10–12 hours a day and wasn’t taking any time to feed her spirit. Many of us do not realize that our physical fitness and our emotional/​spiritual fitness are intertwined. I suggested to her what I am suggesting to you — find a resting place where your spirit can rejuvenate.

A strategy that works for me — I listen to a motivational speech or read an inspirational book when I’m stuck in a rut. Although it may not have anything at all to do with physical fitness, I am more likely to get my body going when my spiritual fitness is enriched. When I am feeling depressed, the last thing I want to do is “spirit fingers” in some overly enthusiastic group exercise class at my local gym (not that I really ever do spirit fingers, but you get the point).

My favorite motivational messages have a religious theme; it’s simply my preference. You may not agree with me or like any of my favorites, and that’s okay. It’s not the point that I am trying to make. I am encouraging you to find what works for you.

You will first have to first deal with your emotions before you ever touch a dumbbell or do a squat.

The following are a few of my favorite authors:

- Joyce Meyer. She has a new book out called Power Thoughts. I have read quite a few of her books and also record her show on TV. I watch it in between work, working out, housework and caring for the baby.

- Joel Osteen. When my husband went to war, during month six or seven, I read Your Best Life Now. This book is a ray of sunshine for a weary soul.

- Max Lucado. Facing Your Giants is one of my favorites.

I listen to:

- John Paul Jackson– Pushing Through the Storm

Bill Johnson. His words are deep and encouraging to me.

Step two – Get a vision for what you want to be!

When I weighed 41 more pounds then I do today, I would imagine myself fitting into the size eight that I used to be. I knew that I would have to celebrate small victories before I achieved my big one. I was reluctant to go looking for size 14 pants after giving birth, but I was excited when I zipped up my size 12’s and even more so when my 10’s got lose. Let me tell you, the neighbors probably heard me when I zipped up my size 8’s for the first time after having the baby.

Where are you starting? Can you find joy in the baby steps like I did? What if you are 100 pounds overweight but you want to join the armed forces? These steps apply to you just as much as they do for the woman who wants to lose weight after having a baby!

Step three – Enjoy the process.

I love Les Mills Body Pump class. Should that be embarrassing for a fitness professional? Maybe, but I am coming clean — I participate in group exercise classes and love doing it. I go through seasons where I enjoy doing my own weight lifting routine and I go through other times where I have too much going on and need a little extra inspiration. I also love the cardio-​​theater at my local gym. I will ride 15 miles on a stationary bike watching a movie if I can’t take Ultimate Cardio or Kick boxing (And, I used to teach kick boxing!).

Sometimes, I just have to get outside. That was the case today. Tomorrow — hopefully my car won’t slide on the ice or back down the hill when heading toward the gym. If so, you’ll find me huffing and puffing around the block or doing a circuit in my living room watching HGTV. You may not see me, but you can best believe I’m out there just like you, taking in one small victory at a time.

Check out Motivate Me to Lose Weight! Part 2 for more info!

Are you located in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to train like the military? We have the longest-​​running Boot Camp fitness program in the U.S. We would love to have you try it out! Contact me at Stephanie@​STARTfitness.​com for a free two-​​day pass, or sign-​​up on our Web site at www​.STARTfitness​.com.

Looking for a career that can move with you? Become a certified personal trainer! For information on earning an accredited fitness certification, visit the American Council on Exercise website. Military programs and discounts available.

(Photo by Evan Baines)

Tags: motivation weight loss


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