Well, I didn’t start today working out at the gym like I hoped I would have.  Life happened as I said earlier I wouldn’t let happen.  The good news is I have a terrible itch that only the gym can scratch.  I will make it to the gym tonight, and I will reach the goals I have set for myself.  Oh, that’s right I haven’t set any formal goals.  What the hell am I doing? 

It’s obvious to me that there’s a ton of things we must do to properly prepare for a healthy success, but one of the most important is : setting goals.  We have to have a goal to strive for, a goal that keeps us motivated to redeem the ultimate prize.  Our goals have to be simple and easy for us to accomplish.  I need to start setting my goals to set me up for success and not for failure.  My short-term goals have to be short enough to accomplish in a few weeks, this giving me the opportunity to be rewarded for my hard work and preparing my motivation for my long-term goals that lie ahead.

First, we have to commit to getting healthy.

 I have made the commitment by doing the work.  I have started this blog to hold me responsible in my commitment to getting healthy.  Also, I have positively changed how I view exercise and the importance it has in my life.

 Second, we have to commit to an event that holds us responsible for our goal. 

 For example I have committed to competing in the Oregon Warrior Dash in September 2011.  This is my long-term goal.  I have 7 months to prepare, allowing me time to get in shape and heal from any injuries I might encounter along the way.  Also, I’m not a professional in the fitness world, so I know that I will be making mistakes along the way.  

“Success seems to be connected with action.  Successful people keep moving.  They make mistakes, but they don’t quit” ~Conrad Hilton~

This is a new beginning, so I will start today with my simple goals.  I will stay on task and along the way I will adopt more goals to challenge myself physically and emotionally.

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