Today has been a not so good day for quality food intake.  I said in my previous blog that since today was a rest day I was going to lower my caloric intake to balance my lack of activity.  Well my so called “rest” day just turned into a cheat day.  I’ve been honest from the beginning that I need to find a balance in my challenge with food.  Yes I like to eat and eating is more a social and emotional temptress that I have yet to conquer. 

The point of my blog today wasn’t to justify my excessive intake of calories or lack of physical activity today; actually the dinner was fantastic and the company was even more enjoyable.  I can’t remember the last time I went out to a nice dinner with just Shannon and my youngest two Zane and Ainsley.  The dinner was rewarding and filled with lots of loving smiles.

The evening after the kids went to bed was enlightened by our good friend Jessica and her friend Raschel.  I must say it’s nice to have adult time once the kids go to bed, time that allows us as parents to absorb the needed adult social time that allows us as parents to recharge.  Also, it’s even better when your company is filled with laughter, open minds, good hearts and the lack of judgment.  Jessica and Raschel are people that come from a good place, people that love others as much as they love life.  This is rare to find in a world of “Emotional Imbalance”.

My eyes were opened tonight that our attitudes about life is what makes us.  Our attitude is what creates us.  Our attitudes if in balance are limitless. We create our lives as we see our lives.  Attitude is one of the most important pieces to success.  If were depressed from a recent loss, our attitude about our loss will either make us stronger or destroy us.  It’s our choice on what kind of attitude we will choose to have; good or bad.

I have met some amazing people lately that have nearly lost everything, but the one thing they kept was a good attitude.  This positive attitude is what will create them new beginnings and a future filled with adoring love of self-respect and possibly the needed passion in their lives they so desperately seek and deserve.

Our attitude about fitness is no different than the attitude we must have about our families, our jobs, and most importantly our future.  Positive thinking is the foundation to a brighter future filled with happiness; and happiness is the most desirable trait we all seek.

I’ve come to understand that we must start living our lives with the attitude that our dreams are attainable and that with taking care of our minds first; we will reach the goals we seek.

The gym is a challenge and life is a struggle.  But how do we prevent the Emotional Imbalance that drags the strongest down?  A Good Attitude!  Your hearts broken, your mind is in a downward spiral and when life just isn’t being fair we need to breath deep, smile, and clear our minds of negative thoughts;  This way we can be clear to see that were worthy of tomorrow and ready for change.  Optimistic changes start in your thoughts and positive thoughts create happy results.

So for myself I will seek to challenge myself everyday on this journey to good health.  I will challenge myself mentally and physically to break the nasty cycle of having a bad attitude.  My vision is to the work needed to find the cause of my faulty thinking and replace it with positive thoughts that will rear me generous rewards.

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