
By Bonnie Stein, M.Ed., CPTS 
Ace Walker

More than 12,000 racewalkers have taken the Beginning Racewalking classes that I teach. A good majority of them (runners included) were looking for weight loss in their exercise endeavors. That's what I was looking for as well when I started running back in the late 70s.

Racewalking and running are certainly great tools to help you manage your weight, But are they enough?

You think I'm going to talk about a healthy diet? No. That's a registered dietitian's job.

I believe that there's a mental component to our fitness, health and body size.  

Weight management problems exist mostly in your mind and that's the place you'll solve them. Exercise, low-fat and high-fiber whole grain foods, consulting with a registered dietitian and a coach or personal trainer are tools to help you reach your goals.

However, there's more. You must create a new vision of what's causing the weight problems and make a decision to change that faulty thinking and take some action.

What happened to you in the past is not what counts. It doesn't matter that you were fat as a child, or that you had an unhappy childhood, or no one at home supports your weight loss. Maybe using weight as a shield was an effective tool for you at one time.  Is it working for you now? If not, make a new vision and a new decision. Your history is not your destiny.

Success in weight management is connected to vision.  The problem is that we tend to visualize and talk about the negatives in our life. "My job is killing me." "I don't have any time to exercise." "I am sick to my stomach over what's happening in the world." "I have gotten so out of shape that I hate myself."

Instead, talk about what you want to create, not what you want to get rid of. Whatever you talk about—you'll create. That's how our minds work. Want to have relationship problems? Talk about how there are no eligible men/women out there. Want to be unemployed? Keep talking about no good jobs out there.  Want to be fatter? Talk about diets and weight problems.

Think about the words "lose weight." Lose is not a happy word. How much can you associate with "lose" and be happy? I'm going to lose my job. I've lost my family. Lost my home. Lost my dog. Lost my keys.

There are other negative associations for weight loss:

  • I'm going to lose 20 pounds.
  • I'm going to work on my weight.
  • I'm going to beat this.
  • I can't eat that.
Words that you associate with fear, guilt, and insecurity are never going to make you successful with your goals.

Instead, substitute what you're going to gain—fitness, health, flexibility, strength and happiness because you'll feel good about being healthier and looking better. Reinforce yourself with a "gaining fitness" mantra instead of "losing weight" thinking. The author and motivational speaker, Alan Cohen, says, "What you resist—expands and persists."

Stop resisting your weight. Focus on the benefits of exercise that will make you feel better. Change what's in your mind to more positive thoughts. Healthy living is not a quick fix. You're not going to lose all the weight you want in a couple weeks. But once you do lose it, there's a much better chance that you won't gain it back...if you change your thinking and vision.

Your beliefs determine how much success you will experience at weight management. Believe that you can do it.  Read positive, self-affirming books and listen to positive-thought audio tapes (free from the library) when you exercise. Associate with positive thinking people who have the energy that you want to have. Get the help you need to make yourself successful.

Finally, don't hate yourself for your weight gain. Take the action necessary to do something about it. Take action both in your mind and your body. When you fall in love with yourself you'll be irresistible to everyone else.


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